wait list
Enjoy exclusive access to Casa Dorinda by joining our Waiting List for future residency. As Casa Dorinda is currently full, the best way to secure your future here is to join our waiting list. Please contact us for any questions.
• Approved applicants to the Casa Dorinda community are placed upon our Waiting List until an apartment of their choice becomes available.
• A deposit of $5,000 per person, 80% of which is refundable with 100% applicable to your entrance fee.
• Casa Dorinda maintains two waiting lists: an “in-house” waiting list for current residents and an “outside” waiting list for approved applicants who wish to become residents.
• Our “in-house” waiting list has priority over the “outside” waiting list.
• ALL waiting lists operate on a first come first served basis.
• The current length of our waiting list is about 5 years.
• A current physical and in-person assessment are required before moving in.
• The Wait List agreement is conditional based upon applicant’s current health and financial well-being.
• You will be notified by telephone when an apartment becomes available.
• Should you choose to pass on an apartment you will maintain your place on the list - no matter how many times you refuse an opening.
Moving In
• A 5% holding fee is due when you choose an apartment.
• Your holding fee will be applied to your entrance fee minus $1,500 per person/per month of your holding period.
• The length of your holding period can be between 2 to 8 months. This period of time is based upon the time needed to update your apartment.
• Your holding fee removes the apartment you have chosen from the resale market.
• Your entrance and monthly fees are due when you sign your LifeCare contract with Casa Dorinda.
Holding Fee Privileges
• Customary meals in the Dining Room or The Grill.
• Participation in all resident activities.
• Access to the Life Enrichment Center.
• Use of Casa’s common amenities.
• Access to our Guest Rooms for up to 10 nights for your express personal use.
• During your holding period, you will not have access to medical related services offered by Casa Dorinda.